
Scoping Queries in the Optic API

  • 28 July, 2022
  • By Dave Cassel
  • No Comments

Every now and then I write an Optic query that has parts that look redundant. In the example below, assume the 4V.Sample view has a “keyCode” field and that the JSON docs the view is built from have a “keyProp” property. My goal is to gather some information from a view for a specific set of values. […]

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Binding Multiple Values

  • 28 July, 2022
  • By Dave Cassel
  • No Comments

With MarkLogic’s SPARQL queries, we can bind a value to constrain the query. Using this capability, we can gather information about something of interest. But what if I want to query against multiple values? Let’s start with some sample data. ‘use strict’; declareUpdate(); const sem = require(“/MarkLogic/semantics”) const myPred = sem.iri(“myPredicate”); sem.rdfInsert([1, 2, 3, 4, […]

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SPARQL Update with Multiple Targets

  • 28 July, 2022
  • By Dave Cassel
  • No Comments

In my last post, I talked about using the bindings parameter of MarkLogic’s sem.sparql function to look for multiple values in a SPARQL query. It turns out that approach doesn’t work for SPARQL Update. I’ll use the same sample data as my previous post: ‘use strict’; declareUpdate(); const sem = require(“/MarkLogic/semantics”) const myPred = sem.iri(“myPredicate”); sem.rdfInsert([1, 2, 3, 4, […]

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TDE Template – Unknown Table

  • 28 November, 2021
  • By Dave Cassel
  • No Comments

MarkLogic’s Data Hub Central offers an easy way to create entities. As a bonus, it automatically creates a TDE Template for you, making your entity accessible through SQL or Optic API queries. However, we ran into an error with this process recently. After creating an entity and processing some sample data, a member of the […]

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